3 Reasons to Keep Environmental Compliance Top of Mind During Real Estate Development


Environmental due diligence is paramount to the overall success of any building project. Complying with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations preserves the health of the immediate area, from its water to its fauna.

Why does Shield Engineering take environmental compliance so seriously? Here are three reasons to keep environmental regulations top-of-mind during any real estate development project, large or small.

Reason #1: The Law Requires You To

The most compelling reason to consider a project’s effect on the environment is, of course, the regulatory burden. Federal regulations set by the EPA and other governing bodies must be followed explicitly, particularly when remediating a contaminated site and/or receiving government funds to do so. Equally as important are the local regulations specific to the build site. These regulations – sometimes evaluated within the framework of Phase I/II of an Environmental Site Assessment – are designed to protect the area’s groundwater, soil makeup, traffic flows, and even dictate acceptable levels of particulate matter that can be released into the air.


Reason #2: Compliance Saves You Money

Environmental regulations are set up with various failsafe mechanisms, ensuring compliance at several steps throughout the building process. Consider, for example, circumventing a local regulation regarding a watershed stream behind a building to slightly expand a parking area. Whether done knowingly or not, local building inspectors (or concerned citizens!) will eventually catch the mistake, particularly if it does harm to the environment. Tearing up and repaving said parking lot and paying any relevant fines is an expensive endeavor best avoided in the first place.


Reason #3: Creating Better Developments

Environmental regulations are put in place for a reason. Sometimes they’re meant to protect a vulnerable species or help restore an over-developed area. Sometimes they’re to the benefit of developers themselves. Environmental regulators likely do not have a full understanding of the specific characteristics of a build-site. By utilizing the in-depth local knowledge of an environmental engineering firm like Shield Engineering, developers reduce their risk of building on contaminated soil, for example, or of neglecting to plan for storm water that could eventually erode a building’s foundation. Environmental compliance isn’t just advisable, it’s good business.

Shield Engineering specializes in environmental due diligence and engineering services. From pre-contract soil testing to Brownfields redevelopments, our team has decades of practice getting regulatory compliance right.

Ready to connect with a turnkey environmental services firm?

Shield Engineering is the partner you’ve been looking for. Reach out today to talk details with someone on our team at
704-394-6913 or by visiting our contact page.

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